Migración y Desarrollo, volume 16, number 31, second semester 2018, is a bi-annual journal published by the Autonomous University of Zacatecas «Francisco García Salinas», through the Academic Unit in Development Studies, Jardín Juárez 147, colonia Centro, Zacatecas, C.P. 98000, Tel. (01492) 922 91 09, www.uaz.edu.mx, www.estudiosdeldesarrollo.net, revistamyd@estudiosdeldesarrollo.net. Managing Editor: Raúl Delgado Wise. All Rights Reserved for Exclusive Use under Network Policy No. 04-2015-060212200400-203. ISSN: 2448-7783, both granted by the National Copyright Institute. Most recent update by: Academic Unit in Development Studies, Maximino Gerardo Luna Estrada, Campus Universitario II, avenida Preparatoria s/n, fraccionamiento Progreso, Zacatecas, C.P. 98065. Last modification: February 2019.
The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the publisher. Complete or partial reproduction of the contents or images of the publication without prior permission from the Autonomous University of Zacatecas «Francisco García Salinas» via the Academic Unit in Development Studies is strictly prohibited.
On 15 years promoting an alternative and critical agenda of research and action on matters relating to migration, development and human rights
Raúl Delgado Wise
Observations on the theory and practice of the relationship between migration and development: a South perspective
Raúl Delgado Wise
Transnational community solidarity of the Indigenous Governing Council (igc) for a new kind of democracy, justice and freedom
Inés Durán Matute
Model in disarray: welfare, austerity dogmatism and the u-turn in Swedish migration politics
Carl-Ulrik Schierup | Simone Scarpa
Post-migrant activism: urban justice movements in Sweden
Aleksandra Alund | René León Rosales
Conjuncture and debate
Migration and Development, an enduring scientific journal, 2003-2018
Georgia Aralú González Pérez | Carlos Bautista Capetillo
The Actors’ Voice
Migrate, resist, build and transform
François Soulard