Latest Issue

ISSN online: 2448-7783
ISSN print: 1870-7599
Latest Issue
Volume 19, Number 37
Second semester de 2021

Migración y Desarrollo is a journal dedicated to the debate, research and analysis on topics relating to the ties between migration and development from an alternative, critical perspective to the dominant viewpoint: the Southern perspective, the main focus of which is on human rights. From this perspective, we examine in an integral, comprehensive manner the problematic derived from that relation in the context of neoliberal globalization: labor exploitation, exclusion, social discrimination, violence, human insecurity, criminalization, land theft, forced displacement, and environmental conflict. Beyond a negation of the North, it involves an inclusive vision that calls for a redefinition of development indicators, founded on the respect of human rights in counterpoint to the dominant paradigm of national security, which criminalizes and discriminates.

The journal is published every six months in print and online in Spanish and English. It contributes to the construction of critical thinking in the Social Sciences and the Humanities, drawing on a painstaking selection of manuscripts that are peer-reviewed by academic evaluators through a double-blind process, and organized in three sections: Articles, original works and those translated into Spanish; Conjuncture and Debate, short essays on current topics; and Actors’ Voices, projects and initiatives of the migrant community (declarations, interviews, manifestos, communications, guidelines, agreements, protocols, among others). As well, the journal includes contributions from members of the International Network on Migration and Development (INMD) and researchers affiliated with other international institutions. Articles chosen for publication are noted for their scientific and analytical rigor, with creative and innovative research methodologies and techniques. Note that those studies based on a unilateral focus that serves the hegemonic interests of the key migrant receiving countries will not be considered.