Organization of the Journal

Migración y Desarrollo is a bi-annual scientific research journal published by the Autonomous University of Zacatecas “Francisco García Salinas” and the International Network on Migration and Development. It is organized in three sections: “Articles”, “Conjecture and Debate” and “Actors’ Voice”. The journal publishes its content under a Creative Commons 4.0 license.

Format and Style

1. Articles submitted to the journal must be unpublished and their authors commit to not submit them simultaneously for consideration in other publications, as well as abide by the guidelines established in the Code of Ethics. They must be the result of high-level original research, situated within the Social Sciences and focused on aspects of international migration and development. Articles are accepted in Spanish and in English, and will be published in those languages.

2. Authors give permission for their articles to be disseminated in both print and digital media.

3. Authors must submit the original work in a format compatible with standard word processing software (Word), US Letter, double-spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman font.

4. Considering that a page has 27 double-spaced lines and between 60–64 characters per line, the articles should consist of between 20 and 25 pages; texts submitted for the sections “Actors’ Voice” between 12 and 15 pages, and “Conjecture and Debate” between 15 and 20 pages.

5. Articles should be accompanied by the following information, with a length no greater than ten lines:

  • Full name of the Author or Authors
  • Their nationality
  • Highest level of studies obtained
  • Affiliated institution
  • Affiliated department
  • Research area(s)
  • Position held
  • Telephone contact
  • Postal address (to receive printed copy)
  • Email address
  • Two or three recent publications in reference format
  • Any other information that the author considers relevant

6. The author(s) should include with the article an abstract of 150 words (10 lines) in the language in which the main text is written and five keywords, which facilitate its inclusion in indexes and bibliographic databases. Migración y Desarrollo will translate the abstract into English (or Spanish, as required) and will use that summary for its dissemination and publication on the journal’s webpage.

7. Tables, maps and figures should be provided in a clear and precise format; a source reference must be included; an exact in-text reference must be provided for proper location. It is important to remember that the journal is printed not printed in colour (although the online format will support colour material), and therefore the information provided in the figures should take this into account; the print edition cannot include a colour graphic. For the best presentation of colour elements in a greyscale format, submit the files in the original format of their creation (e.g. Excel, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, etc.).

8. Notes are presented in footnote format, and must be be left-justified, single-spaced, and numbered consecutively. In-text footnote references should be numerical and superscript.

9. In-text citations should follow the APA standard (seventh edition, 2020). To that end, citations must be inserted into the text with an opening parenthesis, surname of the author, year of publication; in the case of a specific citation of text, also add the page number.


General citations:  (Martínez-Alier, 2010) (Munck, 2003, cited in Mallorquín, 2012)
Direct citation:  (Durand, 2003, p. 14)

10. Complete bibliographical references will follow the end of the main text, in alphabetical order and in accordance with the following format:

Author’s surname, name [in the case of additional authors, name and surname] (year), Book Title, city of publication, publisher.

Petras, James y Henry Veltmeyer (2003), La globalización desenmascarada. El imperialismo en el siglo XXI, México, Miguel Ángel Porrúa.

Book Chapter
Author’s surname, name , nombre [in the case of additional authors, name and surname] (year), «Chapter Title», in Author’s surname(s), name(s), Book Title, city of publication, publisher, pages.

Orozco, Manuel y Steven Wilson (2005), «Para que las remesas produzcan resultados», in Donald Terry y Steven Wilson, Remesas de inmigrantes. Moneda de cambio económico y social, Washington, BID.

Journal Article
Author’s surname, name , nombre [in the case of additional authors, name and surname] (year), «Article Title», Journal name, volume (number), pages.

Kandel, William y Douglas Massey (2002), «The culture of Mexican migration: a theoretical and empirical analysis», Social Forces, 80(3), pp. 125-135.

Online source
Author’s surname, name , nombre [in the case of additional authors, name and surname] (year), «Article Title», at url

World Bank (WB) (2002), «Empowerment and poverty reduction: a sourcebook», at

11. For initials, acronyms or abbreviations, their first use should include the complete name, followed by (in parenthesis) the format in which they will be used going forward.

World Bank (WB), National Population Council (Conapo), gross domestic product (GDP).

12. The original articles will be subject to a double-blind peer-review; that is, they will be evaluated by anonymous reviewers who are experts on the topic dealt with in the article. To that end, the names of the authors and any other form of identification will be removed from the version submitted for evaluation. The evaluators’ decisions will be communicated to the authors no more than 60 days from the original reception date of the article. The principal of confidentiality will guide this process.

13. Articles accepted for publication will be subject to a style correction process by our editorial staff and their publication will subject to the availability of space in each issue.

14. Migración y Desarrollo reserves the right to perform editorial changes which it deems necessary.

15. Articles may be submitted by email to the following addresses:,