Coordinador: Raúl Delgado Wise

Progress report for renewal of the Chair on Migration, Development and Human Rights (2023)

Solicitud de renovación Cátedra UNESCO de Migración, Desarrollo y Derechos Humanos (2023)

Support letter University of Nebrasca, Chair Migration, Development and Human Rights (2023)

Support Letter UNESCO Chair UNAM, Mexico, UNESCO Chair Migration, Development and Human Rights (2022)

Support Letter Vatican, UNESCO Chair Migration, Development and Human Rights (2022)

Support Letter, UNESCO Chair University of Guadalajara, Mexico, UNESCO Chair Migration Development and Human Rights (2022)

Support Letter National University of Lanus, Argentina, Chair Migration Development and Human Rights (2022)

Suport Letter Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Chair Migration, Development and Human Rights (2022)

Support letter from GMSP-CMF-ISS-India, Chair Migration, Development and Human Rights (2022)

Support Letter University of Valencia, Spain, UNESCO Chair Migration Development and Human Rights (2022)

Support letter Koc University Turkey, Chair Migration, Development and Human Rights (2022)

Support letter Princeton university, USA, Chair Migration, Development and Human Rights (2022)

Support Letter SCALABRINI MIGRATION CENTER Philippines, Chair Migration Development and Human Rights (2022)

Support letter REMESO, Linkoping University, Sweden, Chair Migration Development and Human Rights (2022)

Support letter Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada, Chair Migration Development and Human Rights (2022)

Support letter UNESCO Chair Universidad de Puerto Rico, UNESCO Chair Migration, Development and Human Rights (2022)

Support letter University of Bielefeld, Gerrnany, UNESCO Chair Migration, Development and Human Rights (2022)

Support letter Universidad de Ciencias y Artes Chiapas, Mexico, UNESCO Chair Migration, Development and Human Rights (2022)

Migración, Desarrollo y Derechos Humanos: Una Perspectiva Comprehensiva e Incluyente Informe y planeación de Actividades 2017-2020

Migración, Desarrollo y Derechos Humanos: Una Perspectiva Comprehensiva e Incluyente Informe y planeación de Actividades 2015-2016

Migración, Desarrollo y Derechos Humanos: Una Perspectiva Comprehensiva e Incluyente Informe y planeación de Actividades 2013-2014

Migración, Desarrollo y Derechos Humanos: Una Perspectiva Comprehensiva e Incluyente Informe y planeación de Actividades 2012-2013; 2013

Migración, Desarrollo y Derechos Humanos: Una Perspectiva Comprehensiva e Incluyente Informe y planeación de Actividades 2011-2012; 2012

Migración, Desarrollo y Derechos Humanos: Una Perspectiva Comprehensiva e Incluyente Descripción; 2011